Archive for August, 2011

Madden Madness

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As many of you probably already know, Madden 12 is being released to the masses today. Madden is the highly popular football video game series from EA Sports. It also happens to be the only video game you can buy that is licensed by the NFL. This mean no other video game can feature NFL team names or it’s players that are currently in the league.

More than meets the eye

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TIDMADT is about more than just World of Tanks… We are “A Worldwide Online Gaming Community”, which means that we support any game that gets played online, whether it is a computer or console game.  Already we have a strong showing in APB, Rift and League of Legends and more games are being added.  Our console gaming group is growing, and hopefully soon we will see masses of XBox and PS3 members filling out our ranks.

Online gaming has come a long way since the days of CompuServe and AOL.  There was a time when all games online were text based, and you were lucky there were 2 or 3 dedicated people in your area who you could talk games with.  Today, we are online 24/7, games boast multimedia that rivals Hollywood, and it is hard to find a family where at least one member isn’t glued to the screen.

TIDMADT has its origins in those old BBS day games, and most of our admins have grown up playing.  This website is our chance to do what we love, to game, and help bring games to others.  Soon (hopefully) TIDMADT will start setting up game servers for our members, and I plan on adding a few web-based games to the site for your enjoyment.

Flash and Javascript have helped make the web more interactive, and the days are returning when a dedicated group of enthusiasts can bring a quality game out.  Of course, it’s hard to compete with companies that have multi-million dollar budgets, but in the old days, games were written by a handful of programmers (usually just one) and written to run on tight memory and storage constraints (64k of memory at most!)  The thing is, without the flashy graphics, the games were REALLY fun… they were enjoyable… they were PLAYABLE!

On any given evening…

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I wandered on to WoT tonight around 8:30, and was happy to see a room full of Clanmates, so I decided to throw down chips for what I thought would be a quick foray into Clan Wars… I picked Troms, which was out of the way, and only had 2 other Clans throwing in their chips, so I figured we were good for a couple fun rounds…

As the turn set up, we saw we were up against Forge, and they came heavy… our little rag tag band met with 9 IS-7 and 3 Maus… I am not sure what the rest were, I was too busy getting smacked.  They wasted little time going right for our base… but we stood tall!  Our colours may bleed, but they DO NOT RUN!  We died noble deaths, but we died to a man…

We are almost there… we have the numbers, we just need to grind up to higher tiers.  Most evenings, we can field a couple tier X, a handful of tier IX, and a good showing for the rest.  But as the grind continues, we will soon be able to field a competitive team full of tier X tanks…

Until then, Clan Wars remains a fun foray for us… we gain experience every time we play, learning the maps and learning how to work as a team!

Our first news post

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On behalf of the Admins of TIDMADT, we wish to welcome you to our little corner of the Internet.

TIDMADT is a Worldwide Online Gaming Community. We do have a mission statement, and I will type it in here and let you all read it just as soon as we come up with it. However, it will probably go something like, “TIDMADT is dedicated to helping its members connect with other gamers in the spirit of fraternal brotherhood, with the exception of its female members, in which case we hope to foster a sense of sororial sisterhood, if such a thing exists.”

Obviously we are a very serious and dedicated group of people. Some of the things that we are dedicated to are:

  • The economy. Let’s face it, things are rough all over. If the economy was doing better, we would have more money to devote to beer, chips, pizza and other “necessities” in life.
  • Politics. They run the economy, so yeah, let’s all vote for the guy that will help us have a better economy so we will have more money. See above.
  • Religion. God loves us, that’s why she made First Person Shooters

Welcome to TIDMADT!

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I have been working hard to add content to the site. As most of you know, I have been adding feeds to the forum section, hopefully adding meaningful content to the site. I also patched the code, so posts from “admin” no longer show up in “active topics”, “view unread posts” or “view new posts”. Hopefully this will keep things from looking too cluttered.

With this post, which is listed in the forums, we also will be able to update most of the content on the homepage, which will bring us ONE step closer to making this site fully functional. Up until now, the main page has really been pretty meaningless, with the exception of the twitter feed and the “latest articles”. You can, of course, log in from there, and the donate button works (so use it!) but most people just bypass it and go right for the forums. According to the analytics, the main forum page gets about three times as many hits as the home page for the website… hopefully this will start to change.

While the changes may seem to be coming slowly, we hope you remember that this site has really only been active for about 20 days. In that time, we have undergone a major facelife, we have grown to 137 members, and average a few thousand page views a day… we started with TDC, our World of Tanks Clan, and will soon be adding our first Rift Clan. The signature generator is up and working, and we will keep adding new backgrounds and functionality to that as well, in addition to adding signature generators for other games and platforms.  We have certainly come a long way, but we know that we have a long way yet to go, and we will keep working to make this the best Online Gaming Community website on the net!

As always, this website exists to support the members, so if you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to drop me a PM, or (more preferably) write something up in the forums… we love the feedback, and will do all that we can to help support the Clan…

Until then… Good Hunting!

TIDMADT Reaches 100 members and still growing…

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TIDMADT has surpassed its hundredth member, the online community is growing.  News and features keep members updated, the site boasts an auto generated signature section, specific to game stats all members of the TIDMADT site have free access to the Siginture auto area.   The Tidmadt site also boasts its own Clan for the World of Tanks players, TIDMADT DEATH CREW!  Players that are interested in entering Clan Wars with our mates should check out the enlistment forum.  More features are coming, so keep logging in and check the forums and blog to stay up to date on all the latest news!

Welcome to the new TIDMADT blog

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The World of Warplanes site came live tonight… and so did the new TIDMADT blog.  Coincidence?  We don’t think so!  TIDMADT is fast becoming the home for online gamers, and we are sure that our numbers will rise with this, and many other games that are supported by our community!