Defense of the Land

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Well as you know, about a month ago I put a brutally honest post into the forums, about being sick of playing the bridesmaid role when it comes to Clan Wars. Well all I can say is that I am loving not being a bridesmaid anymore.

A win yesterday gave us land, so instead of losing it straight away we wanted to hold it. And a fantastic effort by all. The Commander, Dept Commanders, and Field Commanders got together 2 hours before the match, to work on fine tuning of the normal strategy. The discussion although starting to heat up, got to a point where, we were all happy with the way we were going to roll out.

Then we decided, was as good a time as any, to ensure our players, knew where they could go without getting smashed by Arty. So we went into a Training Room, to better understand what we were doing.

Rising Sun Killers got through to battle us. Unfortunately they had lost to us for the previous 4 days straight, so they tried something different with their strategy. Lets just say it failed badly.

To the guys that missed the fight today, I apologize. To the guys that were in the battle, WELL DONE!!!! I think we can chalk that tactic up, as worthwhile to keep. And no it wasn’t really defensive. The best form of Defense, is a strong Offence, and we proved that we are a force to be reckoned with.