WoT – Sidi Bou Zid Update

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TDC-A through to the next round!!!!

Well fought battle by TDC_A vs SKNAT three wins to two losses no draws.

After losing the first battle TDC-A come back for a 2-1 lead. Then SKNAT tied it up. After alot of sweating in the last match TDC-A took it out for a 3-2 victory.

In the 1st losse we had our arty piece crash. The second losse two people crashed and were late in to game. SKNAT took full advantage of the crashes and took arty out each time.

But when in full force TDC-A was a huge force to reckon with the Panther ll (Opspec) and T-50-2 (Acerula) lighting while gw panther (Dead_man_Walking) was raining hell down on there tanks while our to is3′s (Jokk and Kiwiace) sniped and defended. Our beloved leader jumped in matches mixing things up in a type 59 and T-50-2. Once we had the upperhand our commander gave the order to push and kill all in no one left alive.

SKNAT played a hard game mainly defence with a scout they played well but were no match for TDC-A. Well played by all was a great match and go TDC-A good luck with the next match against WOLFPACK