Archive for the ‘Front Page News’ Category

TIDMADT: Gold Edition

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It is with great pride that we announce that our very own Wilso has been invited to join a Gold League team for the coming season.  This means that one of our best will be going up against the very best that World of Tanks can throw at him.  While we will miss his smiling face and cheerful comments as he trains with this elite team, he knows that he carries our very best hopes with him in his battles.

The Gold League are the best of the best.  Only 8 teams advance into the Gold League, having risen from the qualifying matches in the Silver League or competing in one of the fiercely contested qualifier matches.  Finals give the opportunity for each team to compete for additional cash prizes.

During this season, Dead Man will assume control of NRD and manage the day to day operations.  He will also act as liaison as Wilso shares with us the training and strategy that goes in to being one of the top teams in the world.  With luck, skill, a whole lot of effort and more than a few cups of strong coffee, God willing they will be the top team and win the finals next February.

Welcome to the Community “The Darkness” from WoW

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I would like to say on behalf of the TIDMADT Gaming Community Admins, and the members as a whole, welcome to The Darkness.

“The Darkness” on Barthilas (PVP) Alliance is currently recruiting members and their family/friends. The guild is primarily focused on social play amongst its members and therefore does not tolerate any acts of elitism / rudeness between each other.

Due to most members of the guild having real life commitments (Kids/study), we run social content (heroics / lfr / transmog runs). Most activities are usually run when people are available online, so don’t feel like you will be Gkicked for not participating in events.

The guild is currently lvl 25 and is full of people willing to provide guidance / advice to other guild members.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the leadership of the Guild. Please don’t use the in game guild finder to get access to the guild as that method just does not work that well. Just contact us by doing a /who The Darkness in game and asking for an invite.

Get Well Soon Hawk_Owl

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For those that don’t know, Hawk_Owl (Matthew Torres) is one of 7 Admins that try and provide you with a great gaming experience. Well Matt is in a bad way at the moment, and I would like to take this opportunity to speak for not only the Admins, but the community as a whole, and say get well soon Matt. Stay away from the game, and the community, until you have recovered. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, for a speedy and full recovery.

Gold in them thar hills…

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As some of you know, the NA server is starting to form up a tournament team.  The SEA guys are ahead of this already and kicking some serious butt… but the NA guys are proving they are no slouch either.  On their second day, the A team (led by El Jefe) took second place and GOLD.  Congrats guys!  Way to hit the ground running and make a presence…

Florida Gathering – October 12, 2013

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Ok guys, the date of our gathering in Jacksonville, FL is fast approaching.  Wilso and his family are already in country, Bonestriker will be inbound shortly… we need to start getting a firm list of who will be coming!

I wont say this is “once in a lifetime” but this is a “once in a long time” chance to see three of our admins in one place at one time… ok, this happens in Australia more often than here, but it ain’t gonna happen on this side of the pond very often.

Lorna already has the beer covered… we need to know who all will be here so we can make plans on how much food we need to have on hand (and if anyone wants to make donations to this worthy cause, feel free to hit the “donate” button!)

If you are planning on making it, get with me and give me a headcount (you +1, etc)

Let’s get this thing rolling!

Letter from the Admins

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Of late there have been quite a few issues and incidents that the admins of TIDMADT feel should be addressed to the community as a whole.
The first is that of visitors and their conduct while on our TeamSpeak and in-game channels. There are 2 sides to every situation. We cannot control the other but we can lay down some guidelines and rules for our side of things. So to make things clearer for all:
• New visitors to TeamSpeak can initially be brought to the main game channel to be advised of our rules and requirements. Once they have been advised of these they are to be taken to the “lounge” by their host. On further visits they are to be advised they are to only go to the lobby or lounge areas and to “poke” the member they wish to visit.
• We are not to get involved in flame wars, arguments etc. with any visitors to our TeamSpeak or in-game channels. If you feel that a visitor has overstepped the mark in their behaviour or comments – in the first instance POLITELY request they stop the behaviour, then ask their host to have them removed if those actions do not get you resolution find a member of the game officers (WoT, DayZ, BF3 etc). If these are not online then try for a TIDMADT Admin not of your game.
The other issue is that of our general conduct. We have a code of conduct and the WoT community has a handbook that detail what is expected and what will and won’t be tolerated. As an adult gaming community we don’t have a language filter – the games do that. We do however have a behaviour standard that is expected. General abuse and tirades at other players, whether they be TIDMADT or from another group is not acceptable. Again if you have an issue with someone else use the systems that are there – see your games officers, TIDMADT Admins or use the in-game complaints system. Don’t lower yourself to their level and get yourself banned for abuse. By lowering yourself to their level you make it very difficult for your game officers or TIDMADT Admins to be able to do anything about a situation on your behalf.

The TIDMADT Admins:
Mocs, Bonestriker, DevilDog (Baghdad Bob), Wilso2276, Dead_man_walking

Notes on Strats

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There has been quite a bit of discussion about strats.  Let me set the record straight.  We are open to new strats.  The TIME for the discussion is NOT right before a battle, and it is NOT right after a battle.  It is easy, suffering from a loss, to say “strats suck”.

NO strat is perfect, but we need to have SOMETHING to work with.  The strat we have is the strat we have until we have a new one.  So, what is the proper way to bring a new strat into consideration?  It isn’t by sitting in channel saying “we have to do this or that”  It IS by taking a little map, putting little dots on it, and saying HERE is what I am thinking.  Now, if you have submitted a strat and it has been turned down, I guarantee you it isn’t because it was dismissed out of hand.  We may look at your strat and just think it sucks…

Believe me, the admins spend countless hours pouring over things.  We want to win every bit as much as you guys do… so much so that we formed a clan and poured all this time and money into supporting it.  A lot of the ideas you bring us, we have thought of… we have tried them, we have shot holes in them, so if you bring us a strat that we think is something we have tried and tested, we might dismiss it…

Now, dismissed does not mean discarded.  We have them all, and sometimes we take parts of one and put it with another, and try to hobble something together to make a strat we think might work.  Just because we don’t put a strat in place doesn’t mean that we don’t like you.  It isn’t personal.

Now, if we DO discard a strat, and you have absolute faith in it, and you listen to our reasons, and you STILL think you have a point, then one of two things is going on… 1) You missed something 2) WE missed something… there is the entire possibility (hard as it may seem) that we made a mistake.  If you put forth a strat, and you DID WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO (i.e. documented the fuck out of it and brought it to us in a way that we can review) and you think we dismissed it prematurely, there is a way to settle that… it’s called a TRAINING ROOM.  The proper place to try new strats is in a training room, and if you have submitted a strat, and done what you are supposed to, and don’t think it is being given a fair shake, then you absolutely have the right to request that strat be tested in the training room.

One of two things is going to happen… most likely, your strat is going to fail by the flames of the burning tanks over a tactical issue that you missed, in which case you will see the error of your ways, and maybe make a BETTER strat.  Alternatively, you will get the chance to prove an admin wrong… and who can pass up THAT opportunity?

But, let me make this perfectly clear, for anyone that might have missed it… the time to bring these issues up is NOT in the middle of Clan Wars… and probably not in the heated emotional moments after a loss.  It is to be done with the calm reason of a seasoned general.

And let me say this also… DO NOT EVER counter a Battle Commander in the middle of battle.  If they tell the E100s to roll and shoot on the move, don’t sit there in the middle of battle and say “they have better accuracy if you stop”  You can talk about that later… and it MAY just be that the important element that the Battle Commander was trying to get across is that you need to get those damn tanks where I need them ASAP, and if they hit anything on the way, so much the better… Maybe, just maybe, they are trying to do something you don’t quite get or understand at the time, but I stress to you that in the heat of the battle, when they are trying to get things done, they don’t have time to discuss it.  That’s why it is called an order… and I don’t care WHO you are, WHAT your stats are, or WHAT tank you drive… if I am commanding a battle, and I order my platoon sgt to do something, and that isn’t EXACTLY what you do, you WON’T be a platoon sgt next match… of all the things that I can be negotiable on, that absolutely isn’t one of them…

End of bitch session… let’s roll…

TDC-Afterburners are going to Supernova

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Okay for all those that didn’t know, on the SEA server, they have been running a Tournament, with Qualifiers over the last three weekends. 1st and 2nd from each of the four Qualifiers earned the chance to attend SuperNova in Melbourne, and compete in the Grand Final in a LIVE event. TDC-Afterburners left the run until the last Qualifier, with a 4th in Qualifier #2, however I can proudly say that TDC-Afterburners did make the Grand Final and we will be attending SuperNova to play in the Grand Final.

With this being the case, the TDC-Afterburner squad has been stood down from duties in Clan Wars, until after the Grand Final, as we want to make sure we stand tall, and push the good name of TDC at the event.

I would like to congratulate the Afterburners squad, and I would also like to thank the Bushbashers squad, who even though couldn’t quite get the numbers to play in the Qualifiers, helped Afterburners immensely.

The Afterburners squad consists of:

Wilso2276, dead_man_walking, Bantid, HaTzMaN, Pyric, zharn, Jecklen_Hyde, Cas_67, WarMachineNZ, LittleMissMuffet and extravagance.


You Can Go Home Again

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There just aren’t a lot of ways to put it… TDC kicked some serious ass tonight!  Sure, I could go on about how we took land, and we are back home again in Africa… I could talk about the shifting politics of the region, our allies that are thankful to see us and our enemies that will rue the day they stepped foot in sand… I could talk about the staggering 13 kills racked up by arty in one match, of the brilliant strategy and tactics that were used to lead us to victory…

I could talk about all that, but I wont… what I will talk about is the freakin *6* kills I racked up in my T-92 one match, and DID NOT get Top Gun…

Yeah, TDC took land, kicked ass and took names… but I was freakin robbed of my Top Gun!  Where do I file a complaint!!!!

Seriously though… good work to all who were there tonight… that’s how battles are supposed to be run!  See you all tomorrow night for the land-defense… same BatChat time… same BatChat channel…

Home Again!

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Big congrats go out to TDC2 who took land tonight… Our clan is back on the map, and back in Africa!  It wasn’t an easy fight, Duqe led the clan through three hard pitched battles before reaching the land-owners.  I know that some people have been a little depressed lately wondering if we would get on the map again, but mates I am telling you… we have done it before, and we will do it again!

Now it has happened…The members of TDC2 rocked up and played their hearts out.  With good strategy, good teamwork and a LOT of hard effort, they won out to take the land.

Our alliance with PVP is still in place, and AO is working on coming into North Africa, and the hope is that we can settle Africa down like we did last time.  We have allies down there, PVP who are our allies of old, and the alliance has been strengthened by ADD and Anger Management.  Minutes after the battle, our embassy was filled, and battle plans are being drawn.  Nobody doubts that TDC2 is there to stay, and not a minute too soon from the looks of the map.

Good work for all members who have been grinding their hearts out and fighting hard, and a big pat on the back to Duqe who stepped up and took the reigns to lead his rag tag group of battle hardened tanks to victory!