Land Ho!

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It took months for us to take our first piece of land.  It took 24 hours to lose it.  48 hours later, we stormed the beaches and took the land again!

It was a tense night, full of frustrations, but in the end we gained Tlemcen again, and sweet it was that we took the land back from the people that took it from us.  Sweeter still was that we gained the land through a technical victory!  Whether Rough Riders screwed up when casting their chips and forgot to leave any for home defense, or if they were just so confident that they would gain the land they were trying to push on to, we may never know.

Not that it matters, of course… the land is ours.  But there is an important lesson to be learned here:  World of Tanks is a complicated game, and we often forget this because the controls for your tank are so easy to use.  But while the controls are simple to use, the mechanics of the game are far from simple to master.  Driving around and shooting tanks is easy… surviving a game while inflicting maximum damage to the enemy often is not.

Yes, we have land.  But this is ONE step on the ladder, it isn’t the top.  Now that we have land, we need to concentrate on holding it, expanding, building alliances and grinding our vehicles until we forge an empire that can stand proud on the Global Conquest map!