More than meets the eye

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TIDMADT is about more than just World of Tanks… We are “A Worldwide Online Gaming Community”, which means that we support any game that gets played online, whether it is a computer or console game.  Already we have a strong showing in APB, Rift and League of Legends and more games are being added.  Our console gaming group is growing, and hopefully soon we will see masses of XBox and PS3 members filling out our ranks.

Online gaming has come a long way since the days of CompuServe and AOL.  There was a time when all games online were text based, and you were lucky there were 2 or 3 dedicated people in your area who you could talk games with.  Today, we are online 24/7, games boast multimedia that rivals Hollywood, and it is hard to find a family where at least one member isn’t glued to the screen.

TIDMADT has its origins in those old BBS day games, and most of our admins have grown up playing.  This website is our chance to do what we love, to game, and help bring games to others.  Soon (hopefully) TIDMADT will start setting up game servers for our members, and I plan on adding a few web-based games to the site for your enjoyment.

Flash and Javascript have helped make the web more interactive, and the days are returning when a dedicated group of enthusiasts can bring a quality game out.  Of course, it’s hard to compete with companies that have multi-million dollar budgets, but in the old days, games were written by a handful of programmers (usually just one) and written to run on tight memory and storage constraints (64k of memory at most!)  The thing is, without the flashy graphics, the games were REALLY fun… they were enjoyable… they were PLAYABLE!