I would just like to say congratulations to BiggBaldwin, one of our Happy Tankers. He entered into the WoT Hymn contest, along with a couple of other members.
Fifth place and 1,000 in-game gold go to biggbaldwin, for his Hymn which was the following:
[may be sung to the tune of America(my country tis to thee)/God save the Queen]
Let loose the flame of War,
red tide that breaks the shore-
let thunder roar
Down on the foe we sweep
our steel a scythe to reap
and fling them to Death’s keep-
to Death’s cold keep
Now from our courage smelt
honor that will not melt
though Death’s blows dealt
Here on this battlefield
know that now we wield
a fist that will not yield-
that will not yield
The raving of the fight,
the pound of iron might
and bloodshed’s bite
Now into battle soar
amidst the cannon’s roar
and every man a man of war-
a man of war